Just a blog to capture and savor the precious moments of our family :)

Monday, December 7, 2009


I am super bummed today because I dropped my camera when it was on and it fell on the lens and made it jam in a little which in turn made the camera stop working completely!! >.<>

Jeff snapped this pic on his phone this morning when Aiden was seeing the tree for the first time :) He was mesmerized by the lights, and of course Elmo and Cookie Monster! It was cool to see him excited about it and I thought this pic was pretty neat!

One the things we really struggle with is Aiden eating any kind of vegetable - he will humor us and put it in his mouth but then spit it out right away - I have a hard time with this because I don't want to force him to eat things as I know it could make him hate it for the rest of his life but I want him to eat healthy things!

We had pizza and salad for dinner tonight and AIDEN ACTUALLY ATE SALAD!!! And it was healthyish lettuce too not just Iceberg lettuce it was Romaine lettuce!! Hooray!! I was so excited about it I told Jeff I was doing a happy dance on the inside lol - I didn't want to act too excited about it in front of him or he might spit it out - such a stubborn little guy!

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